According to the 2015 World's Billionaires list from Forbes magazine, the total number of billionaires around the world expanded to 1,826  from 1,645 a year ago, with an aggregate net worth now exceeding $7 trillion, up from $6.4 trillion last year. The average net worth of the group decreased by $60 million to $3.86 billion. The 29th edition, released in March 2015, is visualized below for Knoema users to compare and contrast across countries and between the 2014 and 2015 edition. A few noteworthy examples:

  • According to the March 2015 edition, US citizens made up 15 of the top 20 richest people in the world.
  • The total number of billionaires in India expanded to 90, up from just 56 in the 2014 edition.

Source: Forbes World's Billionaires March 2015

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