(14 June 2020) Cases of COVID-19 globally are closing in on 8 million with an uptick reported out of Latin America, led by Brazil, as well as India, indicating that the global pandemic is far from over. 

  • One quarter of cases worldwidemore than 2 million infectionsare in the United States, although the fastest growing outbreak is in Brazil, which accounts around 11 percent of total cases. India and Russia account for roughly 4 percent and 7 percent, respectively. Latin American countries like Peru (2.9%), Mexico (1.8%), and Chile (2.2%) are reporting a rising number of confirmed cases as well. 
  • During the last week, India—the world’s most populous country—has reported an exponential increase in new cases at an average of roughly 11,000 per day. India now joins the United States, Russia, and Brazil in terms of total confirmed COVID-19 infections. India opened the economy on 8 June despite no signs that the infection curve was flattening. 

Note: Referenced figures are as of 14 June 2020.

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COVID-19 in Latin America
Peru Untitled Chile Untitled Mexico Untitled
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