Peanut from Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Agriculture Indicators
Area With Shell 1 timeseries
Production 2,762.57 t in 2022 FAO
Yield With Shell 1 timeseries
Agriculture Agricultural Products
Oil Production 314.73 t in 2021 FAO
Agriculture Crops Nuts Nuts Refining Degree
With Shell 861 Ha in 2022 FAO
South America (Ha in 2022)
Argentina 406,477 FAO
Bolivia 19,216 FAO
Brazil 220,382 FAO
Colombia 1,805 FAO
Ecuador With Shell 3 timeseries
Guyana With Shell 3 timeseries
Paraguay 25,113 FAO
Peru With Shell 3 timeseries
Suriname With Shell 3 timeseries
Uruguay 3,421 FAO
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 861 FAO
Agriculture Crops Nuts Nuts Type
Peanut 861 Ha in 2022 FAO