The proved reserves of Colombia

Commodities Natural resources Fossil Fuels Solid Fuels
Coal 4,554 Million tonnes in 2020 BP
Commodities Natural resources Fossil Fuels Solid Fuels Coal
Lignite and Sub-Bituminous Coal 0 Million tonnes in 2020 BP
Commodities Natural resources Fossil Fuels Solid Fuels Coal Hard Coal
Anthracite and Bituminous Coal 4,554 Million tonnes in 2020 BP
Commodities Natural resources Fossil Fuels
Gas 0.09 Trillion cubic metres in 2020 BP + 1 other
Oil 2.04 Thousand million barrels in 2020 BP + 1 other
South America
Argentina 0.39 Trillion cubic metres in 2020 BP + 1 other
Bolivia Gas 2 timeseries
Brazil 0.35 Trillion cubic metres in 2020 BP + 1 other
Chile Gas 1 timeseries
Colombia 0.09 Trillion cubic metres in 2020 BP + 1 other
Ecuador 10.89 Billion Standard Cubic Metres in 2019 OPEC + 1 other
Peru 0.26 Trillion cubic metres in 2020 BP + 1 other
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 6.26 Trillion cubic metres in 2020 BP + 1 other
Commodities Natural resources
Reserves 0.09 Trillion cubic metres in 2020 BP + 1 other
Commodities Natural resources Reserves
Proved 0.09 Trillion cubic metres in 2020 BP + 1 other