The CO2 in Ukraine

Mode of Transport Emissions (Mt in 2008)
Air Transportation 0.78 ITF
Water Transportation 0 ITF
Mode of Transport Inland Transportation Emissions (Mt in 2008)
Road 24.03 ITF
Rail Transportation 0.95 ITF
Economic Activity
Manufacturing Emissions 23.46 % in 2014 WB
Economic Activity Services Transportation and Warehousing
Transportation Emissions 11.41 % in 2014 WB + 1 other
Electricity Emissions 49.97 % in 2014 WB
Emissions 108.8 Million tonnes carbon dioxide in 2022 BP + 1 other
Commodities Natural resources
Fossil Fuels Emissions 4.28 ton CO2/cap in 2021 EDGAR
Intensity 2.25 kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use in 2014 WB
Transportation Type Emissions Water Transportation (Mt in 2008)
Local 0.33 ITF
International 0 ITF
Europe (% in 2014)
Albania 59.95 WB + 2 others
Andorra Emissions 8 timeseries
Austria 36.62 WB + 3 others
Belarus 20.51 WB + 3 others
Belgium 28.63 WB + 3 others
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13.74 WB + 2 others
Bulgaria 19.51 WB + 3 others
Croatia 36.59 WB + 3 others
Czech Republic 17.03 WB + 3 others
Denmark 32.92 WB + 3 others
Estonia 12.67 WB + 3 others
Finland 23.87 WB + 3 others
France 42.41 WB + 3 others
Germany 21.37 WB + 3 others
Greece 24.8 WB + 3 others
Hungary 27.16 WB + 3 others
Iceland 40.2 WB + 3 others
Ireland 32.13 WB + 3 others
Italy 32.95 WB + 3 others
Latvia 42.86 WB + 3 others
Liechtenstein Emissions 8 timeseries
Lithuania 46.17 WB + 3 others
Luxembourg 66.81 WB + 3 others
Malta 23.08 WB + 1 other
Montenegro 23.42 WB
Netherlands 19.85 WB + 3 others
North Macedonia 21.53 WB + 3 others
Norway 39.76 WB + 3 others
Poland 15.67 WB + 3 others
Portugal 36.7 WB + 3 others
Republic of Moldova 24.69 WB + 2 others
Romania 22.45 WB + 3 others
Russian Federation 16.24 WB + 3 others
Serbia 15.48 WB + 1 other
Slovakia 20.66 WB + 3 others
Slovenia 41.54 WB + 3 others
Spain 35.31 WB + 3 others
Sweden 53.29 WB + 3 others
Switzerland 44.83 WB + 3 others
Ukraine 11.41 WB + 3 others
United Kingdom 28.45 WB + 3 others
Air Pollution Greenhouse Gases
CH4 Emissions 5 timeseries
CO2 11.41 % in 2014 WB + 3 others
HFC Emissions 1 timeseries
N2O Emissions 4 timeseries
PFC Emissions 1 timeseries
SF6 Emissions 1 timeseries
Air Pollution Greenhouse Gases CO2 Emissions (% in 2016)
Solid 52.67 WB
Liquid 16.45 WB