(21 December 2020) The winter COVID-19 surge in Europe has arrived with force, moving many countries to reimpose lockdown policies to defuse the spread of the virus. The return to lockdown (and other policy) conditions in major European countries—including this weekend's breaking news that the United Kingdom would be cut off from major international transit due to its new COVID-19 strain—will no-doubt have a negative impact on the global economy, a data theme we'll continue to monitor here at Knoema in 2021. 

  • As of 21 December the 'stringency' of anti-COVID restrictions, as measured by University of Oxford Stringency Index, was 85% or higher compared to the spring lockdowns in 12 European countries, including Europe's four largest economies: Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom.
  • In Greece, Germany, and Sweden the stringency of the newest anti-COVID restrictions has surpassed the March-May 2020 policies. 

Coronavirus Data and Insights

Live data and insights on Coronavirus around the world, including detailed statistics for the US, EU, and China — confirmed and recovered cases, deaths, alternative data on economic activities, customer behavior, supply chains, and more.

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