According to the INFORM Risk Index 2023 developed by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, twenty countries today are facing a very high risk of humanitarian crisis compared to fourteen countries last year.

Comparison of the current level of INFORM Risk Index and its trend over previous years there are  twelve countries that are exposed to the very high and increasing risk of humanitarian crisis including Somalia, South Sudan, CAR, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Iraq, Haiti, Cameroon, Myanmar and Kenya.


INFORM Risk Index is a composite indicator that identifies countries at risk of humanitarian crisis and disaster that would overwhelm national response capacity. The INFORM model is based on risk concepts published in scientific literature and envisages three dimensions of risk: Hazards & exposure, Vulnerability, and Lack of coping capacity. The INFORM model is split into different levels to provide a quick overview of the underlying factors leading to humanitarian risk and builds up the picture of risk by 54 core indicators.

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