The year 2018 marks a decade since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the US investment bank. On September 15, 2008, the bank filed for bankruptcy. With $639 billion in assets and $619 billion in debt, Lehman's bankruptcy filing was the largest in history, as its assets far surpassed those of previous bankrupt giants such as WorldCom and Enron. Lehman was the fourth-largest U.S. investment bank at the time of its collapse, with 25,000 employees worldwide. After the crisis, finance industry came under drastic regulation change from regulators, politicians and in public discourse. A new regulations has fundamentally changed the asset management industry.

Spite of stiff regulations on financial industries, overall assets of the industry have continued to rise to € 65.7 trillion from €26.5 trillion in 2009. This upward trend looks positive and set to continue. Among top asset managers, Black Rock stands at first rank with € 5,315,409 million for 2018 (value is till 31st Dec 2017).

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