The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Integration Segment for 2018 will convene on the theme, 'Innovative communities: leveraging technology and innovation to build sustainable and resilient societies', chaired by His Excellency Mr. Mahmadamin Mahmadaminov, Vice-President of ECOSOC (Tajikistan). The 2018 ECOSOC Integration Segment will serve as a platform for key stakeholders to identify and discuss opportunities and challenges in developing integrated approaches to tackling poverty in a sustained, inclusive and sustainable manner. The meeting will consider best practices, lessons learned and recommendations at the national, regional and international levels, with a view to extracting policy recommendations to guide integrated policy-making for poverty eradication as an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Relevant policy recommendations may be reflected in the Ministerial Declaration as the main outcome document at the culmination of the ECOSOC cycle.  

Date of Event: 1-3 May 2018

Event Holder: UN Economic and Social Council

Venue: UN Headquarters, New York City, US

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