What do you know about Africa?

Africa is a continent with 1 billion people, which have an average income about $250 per person in a month. African population is young and fast growing. More then 40% of people are under 14 years old and average annual growth of population is 2.3%. On average, every African women has more than 4 children.

Only 16% of population use internet. No more them 64% are provided by water supply and less then 40% of population have sanitation facilities.

Life expectancy at birth of average African citizen is only 57 years, from wich 47 years are expected to be а healthy life. 21% of population are undernourished people. 

21 million people in Africa live with HIV/AIDS. And every year 1.3 million people die due to AIDS, and 1.4 million new and relapsed cases of tuberculosis are registred in African countries.


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