Hepatitis b in Timor-Leste

Demographics Age Exact Age
Age 1 Immunization 86 % in 2022 WB
Health Indicators Disease Prevention
Immunization Age 1 86 % in 2022 WB
Southeast Asia Age 1 Immunization (% in 2022)

Brunei Darussalam is the top country by hepatitis b age 1 immunization among 11 countries. As of 2022, hepatitis b age 1 immunization in Brunei Darussalam was 99 %. The top 5 countries also includes Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Viet Nam.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
Brunei Darussalam 99 WB
Thailand 97 WB
Malaysia 96 WB
Singapore 96 WB
Viet Nam 91 WB
Indonesia 86 WB
Timor-Leste 86 WB
Cambodia 85 WB
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 80 WB
Philippines 72 WB
Myanmar 71 WB
Health Communicable Diseases
AIDS Deaths 1 timeseries
Coronavirus 23,419 Number on 2023 Mar 9 CSSE
Diphteria Children Immunization 1 timeseries
Hepatitis B Age 1 Immunization 1 timeseries
HIV 0.1 % in 2021 WB + 2 others
Measles 79 % in 2022 WB + 1 other
Tuberculosis 498 per 100,000 people in 2022 WB + 1 other