(18 June 2020) Industry experts predict that the aviation industry's recovery from the coronavirus outbreak will be long and slow. According to estimates from Boeing Co. Chief Executive David Calhoun, air traffic may not bounce back for two or three years. Air flights are a major factor in the spread of the coronavirus across globe and within countries. Today the third global wave of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly restrains the recovery of flight traffic.

  • By June 17 the number of commercial flights globally was down 56 percent compared to the pre crisis period and total flights, including military, ambulance, government, and some other types of flights, were 32 percent lower.
  • While stock markets have almost recovered to their pre crisis level, share prices of the largest airlines and aircraft manufacturers are still 20-60 percent below pre crisis peaks. Aircraft manufacturers with heavy military sector orientations, such as Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems, have outperformed others in the industry and returned to nearly pre crisis levels.

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