
  • Presidente:Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh
  • Primeiro Ministro:Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene
  • Capital:Ulaanbaatar
  • Línguas:Khalkha Mongol 90% (official), Turkic, Russian (1999)
  • Governo
  • Estatísticas Nacionais Oficias
  • População, pessoas:3.470.939 (2024)
  • Área, km2:1.557.507
  • PIB per capita, US$:5.765 (2023)
  • PIB, bilhões em US$ atuais:19,9 (2023)
  • Índice de GINI:31,4 (2022)
  • Facilidade para Fazer Negócios:81

Todos os conjuntos de dados: A C D E F H I N P S T U W Y
  • A
    • julho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 novembro, 2015
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with:Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results:Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
  • C
    • dezembro 2018
      Fonte: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 janeiro, 2019
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      Data cited: Global Burden of Disease Collaborative Network. Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016) Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived with Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years 1990-2016. Seattle, United States: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), 2018.   The Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for 195 countries and territories and at the subnational level for a subset of countries. Estimates for deaths, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), prevalence, and incidence for 29 cancer groups by age and sex for 1990-2016 are available from the GBD Results Tool. Files available in this record are the web tables published in JAMA Oncology in June 2018 in "Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life-years for 29 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2016."
    • novembro 2018
      Fonte: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 05 dezembro, 2018
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      The Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 (GBD 2017), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for 195 countries and territories, and at the subnational level for a subset of countries.
  • D
    • março 2019
      Fonte: National Statistical Office of Mongolia
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 23 junho, 2020
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      Disability person whose ability to participate in social relations was restricted about overall or more than 12 months due to impairment of five mental organs.
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
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      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 29 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 29 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 25 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections:The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website: Â
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
  • E
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: International Labour Organization
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 setembro, 2024
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      With the aim of promoting international comparability, statistics presented on ILOSTAT are based on standard international definitions wherever feasible and may differ from official national figures. This series is based on the 13th ICLS definitions. For time series comparability, it includes countries that have implemented the 19th ICLS standards, for which data are also available in the Work Statistics -- 19th ICLS (WORK) database. The employed comprise all persons of working age who, during a specified brief period, were in one of the following categories: a) paid employment (whether at work or with a job but not at work); or b) self-employment (whether at work or with an enterprise but not at work). The term disability, as defined in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), is used as an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. For measurement purposes, a person with disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of ongoing difficulties due to a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. For more information, refer to the Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) database description.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 25 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with:Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results:Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • julho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 25 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with:Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results:Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
  • F
  • H
    • dezembro 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2023
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
  • I
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 25 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with:Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results:Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
  • N
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • julho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • janeiro 2024
      Fonte: National Statistical Office of Mongolia
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 17 janeiro, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      "Persons with disabilities" means persons whose physical, emotional, mental permanent defects are not able to participate fully and effectively in the social life like others due to the environmental obstacles.
  • P
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 23 março, 2019
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 23 março, 2019
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • outubro 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 23 março, 2019
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • outubro 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 outubro, 2023
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 março, 2019
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 15 junho, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • março 2009
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 29 novembro, 2015
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      The European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) provides population estimates for the main labour market characteristics, such as employment, unemployment, inactivity, hours of work, occupation, economic activity and much else, as well as important socio-demographic characteristics, such as sex, age, education, households and regions of residence. Since 1999 an inherent part of the European Union labour force survey (LFS) are the so called 'ad-hoc modules' (AHM). Council Regulation No 577/98 specifies that a further set of variables (the AHM) may be added to supplement the information obtained from the core questionnaire of the LFS. The topic covered by the ad hoc module change every year, although some of them have been repeated.
    • março 2009
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 08 junho, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emaspt In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • setembro 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 21 setembro, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
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      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • maio 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 dezembro, 2015
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      EHSIS was designed to measure the biopsychosocial model of disability introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, World Health Organization, 2001). According to this model applied to the survey, disabled people are those who face barriers to participation associated, inter alia, with a health problem or basic activity limitation. Thus, the survey primarily explored the barriers to life opportunities faced by people with health problems and impairments. EHSIS questionnaire covered the following sections: The socio-economic background (classificatory questions),A health component (Minimum European Health Module and a list of groups of longstanding health conditions); list of different impairments (limitation in basic activities): seeing, hearing, walking, …; activities of daily living (ADL: self-care activities such as feeding oneself, dressing, bathing, …), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL: domestic life activities, such as managing money, shopping, using the telephone use, housekeeping), andTen areas on important facets of life that enable an individual to be a fully functional and integrated member of society (identified as being of most relevant ones from ICF): mobility, transport, accessibility to buildings, education and training, employment, internet use, social contact and support, leisure pursuits, economic life, attitudes and behaviour. For each of these areas, disadvantages or restrictions to social participation that people (with and without a longstanding health problem or a basic activity difficulty) face in their everyday lives were investigated. Model questionnaire and other relevant documents are available on CIRCABC in European Health and Social Integration Survey (EHSIS). Information on the questionnaire development is available in the public part of the Circabc website:
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 23 março, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 23 março, 2019
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 23 março, 2019
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 25 novembro, 2015
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with:Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results:Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 23 março, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • março 2009
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 29 novembro, 2015
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      The European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) provides population estimates for the main labour market characteristics, such as employment, unemployment, inactivity, hours of work, occupation, economic activity and much else, as well as important socio-demographic characteristics, such as sex, age, education, households and regions of residence. Since 1999 an inherent part of the European Union labour force survey (LFS) are the so called 'ad-hoc modules' (AHM). Council Regulation No 577/98 specifies that a further set of variables (the AHM) may be added to supplement the information obtained from the core questionnaire of the LFS. The topic covered by the ad hoc module change every year, although some of them have been repeated.
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 março, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 março, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
  • S
    • novembro 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2023
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 29 julho, 2024
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
  • T
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 março, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
  • U
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: International Labour Organization
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 setembro, 2024
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      With the aim of promoting international comparability, statistics presented on ILOSTAT are based on standard international definitions wherever feasible and may differ from official national figures. This series is based on the 13th ICLS definitions. For time series comparability, it includes countries that have implemented the 19th ICLS standards, for which data are also available in the Work Statistics -- 19th ICLS (WORK) database. The unemployed comprise all persons of working age who were: a) without work during the reference period, i.e. were not in paid employment or self-employment; b) currently available for work, i.e. were available for paid employment or self-employment during the reference period; and c) seeking work, i.e. had taken specific steps in a specified recent period to seek paid employment or self-employment. The term disability, as defined in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), is used as an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. For measurement purposes, a person with disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of ongoing difficulties due to a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. For more information, refer to the Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) database description.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: International Labour Organization
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 setembro, 2024
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      Data may differ from nationally reported figures and the Global SDG Indicators Database due to differences in sources and/or reference years. The unemployment rate conveys the number of persons who are unemployed as a percent of the labour force (i.e., the employed plus the unemployed). The unemployed comprise all persons of working age who were: a) without work during the reference period, i.e. were not in paid employment or self-employment; b) currently available for work, i.e. were available for paid employment or self-employment during the reference period; and c) seeking work, i.e. had taken specific steps in a specified recent period to seek paid employment or self-employment. The term disability, as defined in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), is used as an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. For measurement purposes, a person with disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of ongoing difficulties due to a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. For more information, refer to the Labour Market-related SDG Indicators (ILOSDG) database description.
  • W
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: International Labour Organization
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 setembro, 2024
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      With the aim of promoting international comparability, statistics presented on ILOSTAT are based on standard international definitions wherever feasible and may differ from official national figures. This series is based on the 13th ICLS definitions. For time series comparability, it includes countries that have implemented the 19th ICLS standards, for which data are also available in the Work Statistics -- 19th ICLS (WORK) database. The working-age population is commonly defined as persons aged 15 years and older, but this varies from country to country. The term disability, as defined in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), is used as an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. For measurement purposes, a person with disability is defined as a person who is limited in the kind or amount of activities that he or she can do because of ongoing difficulties due to a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health problem. For more information, refer to the Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) database description.
    • outubro 2013
      Fonte: World Bank
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 novembro, 2014
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      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic: World Report On Disability Publication: License:   This dataset provides the World report on disability, Technical appendix A: Estimates of disability prevalence (%) and of years of health lost due to disability (YLD), by country
  • Y
    • março 2019
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 março, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.