Venezuela (República Bolivariana da)

  • Presidente:Nicolás Maduro
  • Vice-Presidente:Delcy Rodríguez
  • Capital:Caracas
  • Línguas:Spanish (official), numerous indigenous dialects
  • Governo:No data
  • Estatísticas Nacionais Oficias
  • População, pessoas: (2024)
  • Área, km2:882.050
  • PIB per capita, US$:15.976 (2014)
  • PIB, bilhões em US$ atuais:0,0 (2014)
  • Índice de GINI:44,8 (2006)
  • Facilidade para Fazer Negócios:188

Todos os conjuntos de dados: J Q
  • J
    • setembro 2024
      Fonte: World Bank
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 20 setembro, 2024
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      The Joint External Debt Hub (JEDH) -jointly developed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank (WB) -brings together external debt data and selected foreign assets from international creditor / market and national debtor sources. The JEDH replaces the Joint BIS-IMF-OECD-WB Statistics on External Debt, a website that was launched in 1999 to provide international data, mainly from creditor sources, on the external debt of developing and transition countries and territories.
  • Q
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: World Bank
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 01 agosto, 2024
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      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic:Quarterly External Debt Statistics GDDS Publication: License:   The World Bank launched the new Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) GDDS database. This database is consistent with the classifications and definitions of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (2013 EDS Guide) and Sixth Edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). The QEDS GDDS database provides external debt data, starting from 2002Q4, for an extension of countries that participate in the IMF's General Data Dissemination System (GDDS).