United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UNECE's major aim is to promote pan-European economic integration. UNECE includes 56 member States in Europe, North America and Asia. However, all interested United Nations member States may participate in the work of UNECE. Over 70 international professional organizations and other non-governmental organizations take part in UNECE activities.

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    • fevereiro 2022
      Fonte: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 03 fevereiro, 2022
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      General note on the UNECE MDG Database: The database aims to show the official national estimates of MDG-indicators used for monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Data is shown alongside official international estimates of MDG-indicators (as published on the official United Nations site for the MDG Indicators: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mdg). Besides the international MDG-indicators, other indicators and disaggregates that are relevant for the UNECE-region are included. At present, the tables include data from the latest official MDG-report of each country. Currently, data from official dedicated MDG-websites and previous official national MDG-reports are being added. Additionally, more detailed metadata is being added to the footnotes. Additional indicators might be added if they are used generally across the region. Please note that some indicators are also available in the Gender Statistics Database of UNECE. Figures might differ due to the use of different sources. Definition of the indicators: Explanations on the indicators are listed below. Deviations from the standard definitions provided here are specified in the country-specific footnotes. Indicator Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births Definition: The under-five mortality rate (U5MR) is the probability of a child born in a specified year dying before reaching the age of five if subject to current age-specific mortality rates. Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births Definition: The infant mortality rate (IMR) is the probability of a child born in a specified year dying before reaching the age of one, if subject to current age-specific mortality rates. Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) Definition: The proportion of 1 year-old children immunized against measles is the percentage of children under one year of age who have received at least one dose of measles-containing vaccine. Breast-fed under 6 months (%) Definition: Number of children under the age of 6 months that are breast-fed as a percentage of all children under the age of 6 months. Perinatal mortality rate Definition: Number of stillbirths (or fetal deaths) and deaths in the first week of life (or early neonatal deaths) per 1,000 total births (live and still births). The perinatal period commences at 22 completed weeks (154 days) of gestation and ends seven. This indicator is not monitored in The official United Nations site for the MDG Indicators. Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Albania National Series Reference: 1990 to 1993: MDG Report 2002; 1994 to 1999: MDG Report 2004; 2000: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2001: MDG Report 2004; 2002 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; Definition: 1994 to 1999: Per 1,000 children under the age of five; 2001: Per 1,000 children under the age of five; Note: 2000: NSO: 18.1; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1993: IPH; 1994 to 2001: NSO; 2002 to 2008: Min. of Health; 2009: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000: DHS 2000; 2002 to 2008: Administrative data; 2009: DHS 2008-2009; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Albania National Series Reference: 1990 to 1993: MDG Report 2002; 1994 to 1999: MDG Report 2004; 2000: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2001: MDG Report 2004; 2002 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; Note: 2000: NSO: 16.0; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1993: IPH; 1994 to 2001: NSO; 2002 to 2008: Min. of Health; 2009: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000: DHS 2000; 2002 to 2008: Administrative data; 2009: DHS 2008-2009; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Albania National Series Reference: 1991 to 2000: MDG Report 2002; 2001: MDG Report 2004; 2002 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; Source in Reference: 1991 to 2000: IPH; 2001: NSO; 2002 to 2009: Min. of Health; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2009: Administrative data; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Armenia National Series Reference: 1990: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 1996: ArmeniaInfo at: http://www.armdevinfo.am/ (accessed: 15 June 2011); 1998 to 1999: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 2000 to 2009: ArmeniaInfo at: http://www.armdevinfo.am/ (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2010: ArmeniaInfo (http://www.armdevinfo.am/) 2012-05-12; 2011 to 2012: Armenia MDGs Indicators (http://www.armstat.am/) 06/02/2014; Definition: 2010: Per 1,000 children under the age of five; Note: 2001 to 2005: DHS 2005: 30 (2001-2005); 2010: DHS 2010: 16; Reference period: 1998: 1996-2000; Source in Reference: 1996: Min. of Justice; 1998: NSO; 2000 to 2010: Min. of Justice; 2011 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1990: Administrative data; 1998: DHS 2000; 1999: Administrative data; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Armenia National Series Reference: 1988 to 1990: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 1996: ArmeniaInfo at: http://www.armdevinfo.am/ (accessed: 15 June 2011); 1998 to 1999: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 2000 to 2009: ArmeniaInfo at: http://www.armdevinfo.am/ (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2010: ArmeniaInfo (http://www.armdevinfo.am/) 2012-05-12; 2011 to 2012: Armenia MDGs Indicators (http://www.armstat.am/) 06/02/2014; Note: 2001 to 2005: DHS 2005: 26 (2001-2005); 2010: DHS 2010: 13; Reference period: 1988: 1986-1990; 1998: 1996-2000; Source in Reference: 1988: NSO; 1996: Min. of Justice; 1998: NSO; 2000 to 2010: Min. of Justice; 2011 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1988: DHS 2000; 1990: Administrative data; 1998: DHS 2000; 1999: Administrative data; 2011 to 2012: Administrative data; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Armenia National Series Reference: 1990: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 1996: ArmeniaInfo at: http://www.armdevinfo.am/ (accessed: 15 June 2011); 1999: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 2000 to 2003: ArmeniaInfo at: http://www.armdevinfo.am/ (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2004: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 2005 to 2006: ArmeniaInfo at: http://www.armdevinfo.am/ (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2007 to 2008: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 2009: ArmeniaInfo at: http://www.armdevinfo.am/ (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2010: ArmeniaInfo (http://www.armdevinfo.am/) 2012-05-12; 2011 to 2012: Armenia MDGs Indicators (http://www.armstat.am/) 06/02/2014; Definition: 1990 to 2009: Under two-years old; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2009: Min. of Health; 2010: NSO / Min. of Health; 2011 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1990: Administrative data; 1999: Administrative data; 2004: Administrative data; 2007 to 2008: Administrative data; 2011 to 2012: Administrative data; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Azerbaijan National Series Reference: 1990 to 2012: NSO MDG data; Note: 1999: RHS 1996-2000: 88.4; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2012: NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Azerbaijan National Series Reference: 1990 to 2012: NSO MDG data; Note: 1999: RHS 1996-2000: 74.4; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2012: NSO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Azerbaijan National Series Reference: 1990 to 2012: NSO MDG data; Note: 2003 to 2012: Combined vaccination against measles, rubella, epidemic parotiditis; 2000: MICS 2000: 9.4 (under 4 months); 2006: DHS 2006: 74.4; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2002: NSO; 2003 to 2012: Min. of Health; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Belarus National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Progress 2005; 2000 to 2009: MDG progress 2010; 2010 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Belarus National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Progress 2005; 2000 to 2009: MDG progress 2010; 2010 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Belarus National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Progress 2005; 2000 to 2009: MDG progress 2010; 2010 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina National Series Reference: 2000 to 2011: MDG Report 2013; Note: 2000: UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation; 2008 to 2011: UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation; Source in Reference: 2000: UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation; 2007: NSO (BHAS); 2008 to 2011: UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina National Series Reference: 2000 to 2012: MDG Report 2013; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2012: NSO (BHAS); Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina National Series Reference: 2000 to 2009: MDG progress report 2010; 2011: MDG Report 2013; Note: 2007 to 2009: Only for the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Reference period: 2011: 2011/12; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2001: FBiH PHI, RS HP Fund, FBiH SI; 2007 to 2009: FBiH Public Health Institute; Primary Source in Reference: 2007 to 2009: Administrative data; 2011: MICS 2011-12; Indicator: Breast-fed under 6 months (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina National Series Reference: 2000 to 2006: MDG progress report 2010; 2011: MDG Report 2013; Reference period: 2011: 2011/12; Source in Reference: 2000: FBiH PHI, RS HP Fund, FBiH SI; Primary Source in Reference: 2006: MICS 2006; 2011: MICS 2011-12; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Bulgaria National Series Reference: 2001 to 2007: MDG report 2010; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2007: National Health Information Center / NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Bulgaria National Series Reference: 2001 to 2007: MDG report 2010; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2007: National Health Information Center / NSO; Indicator: Perinatal mortality rate , Country: Bulgaria National Series Reference: 2001 to 2007: MDG report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2007: After 28 weeks of gestation; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2007: National Health Information Center / NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Croatia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG Report 2004; 2004: MDG Progress Report 2005; Note: 1998 to 2002: To mothers who had lived in Croatia for longer than the period of one year; Indicator: Perinatal mortality rate , Country: Croatia National Series Reference: 2002 to 2005: MDG Progress Report 2005; Definition: 2002 to 2005: birth weight >500g; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Czechia National Series Reference: 2002: MDG report 2004; Source in Reference: 2002: Health Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2001; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Czechia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG report 2004; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2002: Health Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2001; Indicator: Perinatal mortality rate , Country: Czechia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1990 to 2002: After 28 weeks of gestation; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2002: Health Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2001; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Georgia National Series Reference: 2000 to 2004: MDG Progress Report 2004-2005; Definition: 2000 to 2001: Number of deaths below age five per 1,000 live births in a calendar year.; Note: 2000 to 2004: Official statistics; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2004: National Center for Disease Control and Medical Statistics; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Georgia National Series Reference: 2000 to 2004: MDG Progress Report 2004-2005; Note: 2000 to 2004: Official statistics; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2004: National Center for Disease Control and Medical Statistics; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Georgia National Series Reference: 2000 to 2004: MDG Progress Report 2004-2005; Definition: 2000 to 2004: Under two-years old; Source in Reference: 2000: National Center for Disease Control and Medical Statistics; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Hungary National Series Reference: 1990 to 2001: MDG report 2004; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Hungary National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG report 2004; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2002: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1990 to 2002: Hungarian Health Database 1985-2001; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Kazakhstan National Series Reference: 1987 to 1999: MDG in Kazakhstan 2005; 2000 to 2005: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; 2006 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Definition: 1990 to 1999: Excluding pregnancies that terminate at less than 28 weeks of gestation, and newborns weighing less than 1000 grams at the time of birth, shorter than 35 cm, or alive for less than seven days.; Note: 1990 to 1994: DHS 1995: 56.7; 1995 to 1999: DHS 1999: 71.4; 2006: MICS 2006: 36.3; Reference period: 1990 to 1994: 1989-1994; 1995 to 1999: 1995-1999; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1999: TransMonee; 2000 to 2005: NSO; 2006 to 2008: Min. of Healthcare; 2009 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2006 to 2008: Administrative data; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Kazakhstan National Series Reference: 1987 to 1999: MDG in Kazakhstan 2005; 2000 to 2001: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; 2002: MDG in Kazakhstan 2005; 2003 to 2005: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; 2006 to 2007: MDG Report 2010; 2008 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Definition: 1990 to 1999: Excluding pregnancies that terminate at less than 28 weeks of gestation, and newborns weighing less than 1000 grams at the time of birth, shorter than 35 cm, or alive for less than seven days.; 2002: Excluding pregnancies that terminate at less than 28 weeks of gestation, and newborns weighing less than 1000 grams at the time of birth, shorter than 35 cm, or alive for less than seven days.; Note: 1990 to 1994: DHS 1995: 49.7; 1995 to 1999: DHS 1999: 61.9; Reference period: 1990 to 1993: 1989-1994; 1994 to 1999: 1995-1999; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1999: Min. of Healthcare; 2000 to 2001: NSO; 2002: Min. of Healthcare; 2003 to 2005: NSO; 2006 to 2007: Min. of Healthcare; 2008 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2006 to 2007: Administrative data; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Kazakhstan National Series Reference: 1995: MDG in Kazakhstan 2002; 2000 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Source in Reference: 1995: Min. of Healthcare; 2000: NSO; 2001 to 2012: Min. of Health; Indicator: Breast-fed under 6 months (%) , Country: Kazakhstan National Series Reference: 1995 to 2006: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 1995 to 2006: Under 3 months; Source in Reference: 2002: Tazhibayev Sh., Sharmanov T., Ergalieva A., Dolmatova O., Mukasheva O., Seidakhmetova A., Kushenova R. ‘Promotion of Lactation Amenorrhea Method Intervention Trial, Kazakhstan’. Population Council, Frontiers in Reproductive Health 2004; Primary Source in Reference: 1999: DHS 1999; Indicator: Perinatal mortality rate , Country: Kazakhstan National Series Reference: 2008: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 2008: After 22 weeks of gestation; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Kyrgyzstan National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; 2000 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2010 to 2012: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Definition: 1990 to 1999: Excluding pregnancies that terminates at less than 28 weeks of gestation; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2010: NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Kyrgyzstan National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; 2000 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2010 to 2012: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Definition: 1990 to 1999: Excluding pregnancies that terminates at less than 28 weeks of gestation; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1999: NSO / Min. of Health; 2000 to 2009: NSO; 2010: NSO / Min. of Health; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; 2000 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2010 to 2012: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1999: NSO / Min. of Health; 2000 to 2009: NSO; 2010: NSO / Min. of Health; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Latvia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2003: MDG Report 2005; Definition: 1990 to 2003: Per 1,000 children under the age of five; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2003: NSO / Min. of Health; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Latvia National Series Reference: 1996 to 2003: MDG Report 2005; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2003: NSO / Min. of Health; Indicator: Perinatal mortality rate , Country: Latvia National Series Reference: 1980 to 2003: MDG Report 2005; Definition: 1980 to 2003: After 28 weeks of gestation; Source in Reference: 1980 to 2003: NSO / Min. of Health; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Lithuania National Series Reference: 1990 to 2001: MDG Assessment 2002; Definition: 1990 to 2001: Including live births at least 500 grams weight and 22 weeks gestation; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Lithuania National Series Reference: 1990 to 2001: MDG Assessment 2002; Definition: 1990 to 1991: Excluding pregnancies that terminate at less than 28 weeks of gestation, and newborns weighing less than 1000 grams at the time of birth, shorter than 35 cm, or alive for less than seven days.; 1992 to 2001: Excluding live births weighting less than 500 grams and less than 22 weeks of gestation; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Lithuania National Series Reference: 2000: MDG Assessment 2002; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Moldova, Republic of National Series Reference: 2000 to 2010: Statbank of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova as on 08-08-2012; 2011 to 2012: Moldova Statbank (http://statbank.statistica.md) 11-11-2013; Definition: 2000 to 2007: Number of deaths below age five per 1,000 live births. Excluding live births weighting less than 1,000 grams and less than 30 weeks of gestation; 2008 to 2010: Number of deaths below age five per 1,000 live births. Excluding live births weighting less than 500 grams and less than 22 weeks of gestation; 2011 to 2012: Number of deaths below age five per 1,000 live births. Excluding live births weighting less than 1,000 grams and less than 30 weeks of gestation; Note: 2000 to 2012: Information is presented without the data from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender.; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2012: Central Election Commission; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Moldova, Republic of National Series Reference: 2000 to 2010: Statbank of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova as on 08-08-2012; 2011 to 2012: Moldova Statbank (http://statbank.statistica.md) 11-11-2013; Definition: 2000 to 2007: Excluding live births weighting less than 1,000 grams and less than 30 weeks of gestation; 2008 to 2010: Excluding live births weighting less than 500 grams and less than 22 weeks of gestation; 2011 to 2012: Excluding live births weighting less than 1,000 grams and less than 30 weeks of gestation; Note: 2000 to 2010: Deaths in a given calendar year divided by the size of their birth cohort.; 2000 to 2012: Information is presented without the data from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender.; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2012: Min. of Health / NSO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Moldova, Republic of National Series Reference: 2000 to 2005: Statbank of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova as on 08-08-2012; 2006 to 2012: Third MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2000 to 2012: Under two-years old; Note: 2000 to 2005: Information is presented without the data from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender.; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2005: Min. of Health / NSO; 2006 to 2012: National Centre for Public Health; Indicator: Breast-fed under 6 months (%) , Country: Moldova, Republic of National Series Reference: 2008: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 2008: National Perinatal Program 2008; Indicator: Perinatal mortality rate , Country: Moldova, Republic of National Series Reference: 1990 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 1990 to 2009: After 28 weeks of gestation; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Montenegro National Series Reference: 1990 to 2000: MDG report 2005; 2004 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009 to 2011: MDG Report 2013; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2011: NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Montenegro National Series Reference: 1990 to 2000: MDG report 2005; 2004 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009 to 2011: MDG Report 2013; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2011: NSO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Montenegro National Series Reference: 1990 to 2000: MDG report 2005; 2004 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009 to 2011: MDG Report 2013; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2000: Report on immuzation against infectious diseases in Montenegro; 2004 to 2008: NSO; Indicator: Breast-fed under 6 months (%) , Country: Montenegro National Series Reference: 2009: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 2009: NSO; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Poland National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Report 2002; Source in Reference: 1990: NSO; 1991 to 1998: Demographic Yearbook 2000, NSO; 1999: NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Poland National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Report 2002; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1999: Demographic Yearbook 2000, NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Romania National Series Reference: 1990 to 2000: MDG Report 2003; 2001 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2000: Min. of Health; 2001 to 2009: NSO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Romania National Series Reference: 2001: MDG Report 2003; Source in Reference: 2001: Min. of Health; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Russian Federation National Series Definition: 2003 to 2008: Excluding pregnancies that terminate at less than 28 weeks of gestation, and newborns weighing less than 1000 grams at the time of birth, shorter than 35 cm, or alive for less than seven days.; Source in Reference: 2003 to 2008: WHO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Russian Federation National Series Definition: 2003 to 2009: Excluding pregnancies that terminate at less than 28 weeks of gestation, and newborns weighing less than 1000 grams at the time of birth, shorter than 35 cm, or alive for less than seven days.; Source in Reference: 2003 to 2009: WHO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Russian Federation National Series Source in Reference: 2008: WHO; Indicator: Breast-fed under 6 months (%) , Country: Russian Federation National Series Source in Reference: 2008: WHO; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Serbia National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2000: MDG progress report 2009; 2001 to 2002: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2005: MDG report 2006; 2008: MDG progress report 2009; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2002: NSO; 2008: NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Serbia National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2000: MDG progress report 2009; 2001 to 2002: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2005: MDG report 2006; 2008: MDG progress report 2009; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2002: NSO; 2008: NSO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Serbia National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2000: MDG progress report 2009; 2001 to 2002: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2008: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 1990 to 2008: Under 18 months; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1999: NSO; 2000: National Institute of Public Health Database; 2001 to 2002: NSO; 2008: National Institute of Public Health Database; Indicator: Breast-fed under 6 months (%) , Country: Serbia National Series Reference: 2000 to 2005: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 2000: Under 4 months; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2005: UNICEF; Primary Source in Reference: 2005: MICS 2005; Indicator: Perinatal mortality rate , Country: Serbia National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2000: MDG progress report 2009; 2001 to 2002: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2005: MDG report 2006; 2008: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 1990 to 2002: After 28 weeks of gestation; 2005: Gestation period not specified; 2008: After 28 weeks of gestation; Source in Reference: 2000: NSO; 2008: NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Slovakia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG report 2004; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2002: European Health for All Database, WHO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Slovakia National Series Reference: 2002: MDG report 2004; Definition: 2002: Under 18 months; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Slovenia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2001: MDG report 2004; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2001: European Health for All Database, WHO - Health Statistics yearbook 2003; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Slovenia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2001: MDG report 2004; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2001: European Health for All Database, WHO - Health Statistics yearbook 2003; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Tajikistan National Series Reference: 2000: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2003: MDG Needs Assessment 2005; 2005 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; Source in Reference: 2003: UNICEF SOWC; 2007: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000: MICS 2000; 2005: MICS 2005; 2007: LSS 2007; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Tajikistan National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Progress Report 2003; 2000: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2001: MDG Progress Report 2003; 2005 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; Source in Reference: 2001: Republican Center of Medical Statistics; 2007: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000: MICS 2000; 2005: MICS 2005; 2007: LSS 2007; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Tajikistan National Series Reference: 2001 to 2003: NSO MDG data; 2005 to 2008: MDG Progress Report 2010; Primary Source in Reference: 2001: MICS 2000; 2005: MICS 2005; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia National Series Reference: 1990: MDG report 2005; 1991 to 1996: MDG progress report 2009; 1997: MDG report 2005; 1998 to 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Note: 2004 to 2007: New Methodology; Source in Reference: 1991 to 1996: NSO; 1998 to 2007: NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Note: 2004 to 2007: New Methodology; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2007: NSO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia National Series Reference: 1990 to 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2007: Republic Institute for Health Protection; Indicator: Breast-fed under 6 months (%) , Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia National Series Reference: 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Source in Reference: 2007: UNICEF 2007; Primary Source in Reference: 2007: MICS; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Turkey National Series Reference: 1993 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Reference period: 1998: 1993-1998; 2003: 1998-2003; Source in Reference: 1993 to 2008: Hacettepe University; Primary Source in Reference: 1993: DHS 1993; 1998: DHS 1998; 2003: DHS 2003; 2008: DHS 2008; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Turkey National Series Reference: 1993 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Reference period: 1998: 1993-1998; 2003: 1998-2003; Source in Reference: 1993 to 2008: Hacettepe University; Primary Source in Reference: 1993: DHS 1993; 1998: DHS 1998; 2003: DHS 2003; 2008: DHS 2008; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Turkey National Series Reference: 1993 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 1993 to 2003: Hacettepe University; 2009: Min. of Health; Primary Source in Reference: 1993: DHS 1993; 1998: DHS 1998; 2003: DHS 2003; 2009: Ministry of Health Registry; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Turkmenistan National Series Reference: 1991 to 2002: MDG Report 2003; Source in Reference: 1991 to 2002: Min. of Health and the Medical Industry; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Ukraine National Series Reference: 1990 to 2000: MDG Report 2005; 2001 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; 2010 to 2012: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 1990 to 2000: Per 1,000 children under the age of five; Source in Reference: 2010 to 2012: NSO; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Ukraine National Series Reference: 1990: MDG Report 2005; 2000 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; 2010 to 2012: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 1990: Per 1,000 children under 1 years old; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2008: NSO; 2010 to 2012: NSO; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Ukraine National Series Reference: 2008: MDG Report 2010; Indicator: Under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births , Country: Uzbekistan National Series Reference: 1995 to 2000: MDG Report 2006; Reference period: 1995: 1992-1997; 1998: 1996-2000; 2000: 1998-2002; Source in Reference: 1995: Min. of Health / Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology; 1998: UNICEF; 2000: Min. of Health / Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Primary Source in Reference: 1995: DHS 1996; 1998: MICS 2000; 2000: Uzbekistan Health Examination Survey 2002; Indicator: Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births , Country: Uzbekistan National Series Reference: 1995 to 2000: MDG Report 2006; Reference period: 1995: 1992-1997; 1998: 1996-2000; 2000: 1998-2002; Source in Reference: 1995: Min. of Health / Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology; 1998: UNICEF; 2000: Min. of Health / Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Primary Source in Reference: 1995: DHS 1996; 1998: MICS 2000; 2000: Uzbekistan Health Examination Survey 2002; Indicator: Children 1 year old immunized against measles, (%) , Country: Uzbekistan National Series Reference: 1996 to 2004: MDG Report 2006; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2004: TransMonee;