United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development  (UNCTAD) was established in 1964 as a permanent intergovernmental body. It is the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with trade, investment, and development issues. The organization's goals are to "maximize the trade, investment and development opportunities of developing countries and assist them in their efforts to integrate into the world economy on an equitable basis."

Todos os conjuntos de dados: C G I M O P T U V W
  • C
    • julho 2023
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 agosto, 2023
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      This table shows exchange rates for currencies used in over 190 world economies presented in a cross rates layout where countries are presented in both rows and columns. National currency per US dollars exchange rates are used to derive explicit exchange rates for each of the countries presented with regard to any other country. Country series are consistent over time: for example, a conversion was made from national currency to Euro for the Euro Zone economies for all years prior to the adoption of Euro.
  • G
    • fevereiro 2024
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 fevereiro, 2024
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      This dataset provides information on gross domestic product (GDP), total and per capita at current and constant (2010) prices also it contains annual average growth rates of gross domestic product (GDP), total and per capita, in per cent. The total GDP is expressed in millions of dollars, while GDP per capita is expressed in dollars.
    • setembro 2023
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 outubro, 2023
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      This table shows exports, imports and sum/average of exports and imports as percentage of nominal gross domestic product (GDP). The indicators are calculated for trade in goods, trade in services and total trade in goods and services.
  • I
    • junho 2013
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 julho, 2013
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      Time series on international reserves (including gold), by individual country, expressed in millions of dollars. It further presents the number of months of merchandise imports that these reserves could finance at current imports level, as well as annual changes in total reserves.
  • M
  • O
    • outubro 2013
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 29 outubro, 2013
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      This table gives information on official financial flows by type and sources. It is further broken down by individual country, geographical region and economic grouping (as recipients); and expressed in millions of dollars, as percentage of total flows and as percentage of region.
  • P
    • janeiro 2022
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 20 janeiro, 2022
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      This Dataset presents time series on receipts and payments of personal remittances in millions of dollars. These data are also shown as percentage of exports (receipts) and imports (payments) of goods and services, and as percentage of GDP. Personal remittances, as defined in this table, comply with the guidelines of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, Sixth Edition (BPM6) (IMF 2009, Appendix 5). They are the sum of two items: (1.) compensation of employees, defined as the income of workers employed in an economy where they are not resident and of residents employed by non-resident employers; (2.) personal (current) transfers, defined as current transfers in kind or in cash, between resident and non-resident households (ibid., A5.5-7). A broader definition of personal remittances would include also capital transfers between resident and non-resident households (ibid., A5.10-13). However, data coverage for capital transfers is much sparser than for the two items above, as compilation of this item by countries is voluntary in the context of the balance of payment statistics. Therefore, capital transfers between resident and non-resident households are reported in this table separately. The main source of personal remittances data is World Bank. In cases of missing data, data from IMF or Economic Intelligence Unit have been imputed. Capital transfers data have been taken from IMF.
    • fevereiro 2021
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 18 fevereiro, 2021
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      PCI is calculated as a geometric average of eight domains or categories, namely, ICTs, structural change, natural capital, human capital, energy, transport, the private sector and institutions
  • T
  • U
    • setembro 2024
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 01 abril, 2024
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      The dataset is set of three datasets:  UNCTADGDPDNI2022 UNCTADMTS2021 UNCTPAE2020 This table is a compilation of statistics of trade in goods and services as reported in the Balance of Payments. The conceptual framework used for the compilation is based on the IMF Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5, 1993). Notes: The statistics presented correspond to the concepts and definitions of the IMF Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, Sixth Edition (BPM6), except those countries and territories who present their figures according to the fifth edition of the Manual (BPM5). Exports and imports of goods and services are credits and debits of goods and services as reported in the current account of the balance of payments.  Goods include general merchandise on a BOP basis, goods under "merchanting" and nonmonetary gold. In order for a transaction to be recorded under "goods", a change of ownership from/to a resident of a local country to/from a non-resident in a foreign country has to take place.  BOP-based statistics of trade in goods (change of ownership principle between residents and non-residents) are usually not comparable to IMTS-based merchandise trade data (physical border crossing principle) due to differences in the concepts and definitions. In some countries, the differences may be quite significant. Trade in services results from intangible actions such as transportation, travel, maintenance and repairs, business services, royalties or licensing.  Estimated individual countries figures are included in geographical regions or economic groupings calculation but not always shown separately. 
  • V
    • janeiro 2015
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 25 fevereiro, 2015
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      The table presents the latest quarterly statistics for total services exports and imports, in millions of dollars, for individual countries, for which the data are available. Quarterly figures for commercial services, which exclude government services, are included as a memo item. Also shown are the year-on-year percentage changes. The data presented are the result of the common work of World Trade Organization (WTO) and UNCTAD, and are published simultaneously by both organizations. (WTO statistics database)
  • W
    • junho 2024
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 09 julho, 2024
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      The World Investment Report focuses on trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) worldwide, at the regional and country levels and emerging measures to improve its contribution to development. This Report further focuses on:Analysis of the trends in FDI during the previous year, with especial emphasis on the development implications.Ranking of the largest transnational corporations in the world.In-depth analysis of a selected topic related to FDI.Policy analysis and recommendations.Statistical annex with data on FDI flows and stocks for 196 economies.
    • julho 2023
      Fonte: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 20 dezembro, 2023
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      This table provides estimates from 1950 to 2021 and projections (medium fertility variant) from 2022 to 2050 of total population and urban population, expressed in thousands and as a percentage of total population, respectively. Population refers to de facto population in a country, area or region as of 1 July of the indicated year. Sources:UN DESA Population Division, World Population Prospects 2022UN DESA Population Division, World Urbanization Prospects 2018Eurostat for Republic of Cyprus (1975 - 2050) and Ukraine (2015 – 2022)UNCTAD secretariat estimates Notes: The figures for certain groups may differ from those published by above mentioned sources, where UNCTAD definitions for the groups are different.