Texas Health and Human Services

From the headquarters in Austin to eligibility offices in the Rio Grande Valley to laboratories in the Panhandle, Health and Human Services employees are there to respond to the needs of Texans. The professionals that staff health and human services agencies across the state are ready and willing to assist people who need services, contractors who provide them and anyone with questions about the services we provide. While the headquarters offices are located in Austin, there are offices across the state that serve Texans

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    • fevereiro 2019
      Fonte: Texas Health and Human Services
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 maio, 2019
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      NOTES: Medicaid Fee-For-Service (FFS) paid and partially paid inpatient hospital delivery claims were selected using the following DRG codes. Deliveries that occurred in other settings, such as birthing centers or homes, were excluded. MS-DRG codes 765-768 and 774-775 were used to identify FFS deliveries with discharge dates in FY2009 - FY2012. APR-DRG codes 5401-5404, 5411-5414, 5421-5424, and 5601-5604 were used to identify deliveries for FY2013-FY2015. Managed Care deliveries were selected from the Delivery Supplemental Payment (DSP) database. MCO cost was calculated by multiplying the DSP contract rate by the number of deliveries for each MCO plan. The DSP program does not include deliveries to MCO clients enrolled in STAR Health, STAR+PLUS, or MMP. The MCO Program excludes clients enrolled in Type Program 30. Deliveries are reported as the total number of unduplicated delivery dates per patient. Patients with multiple delivery claims on the same date are counted as having one delivery on that date. Some patients had more than one delivery date per fiscal year. Teenage mothers were defined as delivery patients who were under age 20 on the delivery date. Non-teenage mothers were defined as mothers who were age 20 or older on the delivery date.