
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across EU member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.

Todos os conjuntos de dados: G H I L M N P R S T
  • G
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITFand the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • H
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 novembro, 2015
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      Eurostat collects rail transport statistics by two means: 1. Voluntary data collection. Data are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF). Full details are set out in another document (see link to 21.3. Annex, at the bottom of the page). The following Eurostat dissemination tables are based on this data collection:all tables in subsection: Railway transport infrastructure (rail_if)all tables in subsection: Railway transport equipment (rail_eq)all tables in subsection: Railway transport - enterprises, economic performance and employment (rail_ec)all tables in subsection: Railway traffic (rail_tf) but table Train movements (rail_tf_trainmv)table Railway transport - Number of victims by type of injury (rail_ac_inj) in subsection Railway transport - Accidents (rail_ac)  Additionally, one table in the regional transport section is based on a different voluntary data collection (REGWeb questionnaire) and contains information on railway infrastructure (length of railway lines - total, electrified and with double or more tracks) by NUTS 2 regions. 2. Mandatory data collection based on the legal act. Data collection on goods and passenger transport, and on rail accidents is based on Regulation EC 91/2003 from the beginning of 2003. The freight data from 1982 until 2002 are based on Directive 80/1177/EEC. Compared to the Directive, Regulation 91/2003 covers the transport of passengers and statistics on accidents in addition to the transport of goods. A detailed description of the source of each dissemination table can be found in the section 21.3Annex (Legal acts and corresponding dissemination tables) at the bottom of this page. Could you please specify the name of the document you refer to? The documents listed in the annex have been taken from the ESMS page 'rail_pa_esms'. Could you please check them and update / adjust them accordingly?
  • I
    • setembro 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
  • L
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 13 maio, 2018
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    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • M
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 13 maio, 2018
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    • março 2018
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 17 março, 2018
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      Unit: Cars per 1 000 inhabitants. This indicator is defined as the number of passenger cars per 1 000 inhabitants. A passenger car is a road motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver); the term "passenger car" therefore covers microcars (need no permit to be driven), taxis and hired passenger cars, provided that they have fewer than 10 seats; this category may also include pick-ups. For more information click here.
  • N
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 13 abril, 2017
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    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 13 abril, 2017
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    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 13 abril, 2017
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    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • abril 2017
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 10 abril, 2017
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • abril 2017
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 10 abril, 2017
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • P
    • junho 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 novembro, 2015
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 31 março, 2023
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • R
    • março 2009
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 novembro, 2015
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      Eurostat collects rail transport statistics by two means: 1. Voluntary data collection. Data are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF). Full details are set out in another document (see link to 21.3. Annex, at the bottom of the page). The following Eurostat dissemination tables are based on this data collection:all tables in subsection: Railway transport infrastructure (rail_if)all tables in subsection: Railway transport equipment (rail_eq)all tables in subsection: Railway transport - enterprises, economic performance and employment (rail_ec)all tables in subsection: Railway traffic (rail_tf) but table Train movements (rail_tf_trainmv)table Railway transport - Number of victims by type of injury (rail_ac_inj) in subsection Railway transport - Accidents (rail_ac)  Additionally, one table in the regional transport section is based on a different voluntary data collection (REGWeb questionnaire) and contains information on railway infrastructure (length of railway lines - total, electrified and with double or more tracks) by NUTS 2 regions. 2. Mandatory data collection based on the legal act. Data collection on goods and passenger transport, and on rail accidents is based on Regulation EC 91/2003 from the beginning of 2003. The freight data from 1982 until 2002 are based on Directive 80/1177/EEC. Compared to the Directive, Regulation 91/2003 covers the transport of passengers and statistics on accidents in addition to the transport of goods. A detailed description of the source of each dissemination table can be found in the section 21.3Annex (Legal acts and corresponding dissemination tables) at the bottom of this page.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 agosto, 2024
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      The Retail Trade Index is a business cycle indicator which shows the monthly activity of the retail sector in value and volume. It is a short-term indicator for final domestic demand. It should be noted that the volume of sales is different from the volume of (retail) trade services. The latter takes account of changes in the quality of the trade service supplied. As such the volume of sales is conceptually different from the index of production which takes account of quality changes. Data are compiled according to the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, (NACE Rev. 2, Eurostat). Turnover for retail trade are compiled as a "fixed base year Laspeyres type volume-index". The current base year is 2015 (Index 2015 = 100). The index is presented in calendar and seasonally adjusted form. Growth rates with respect to the previous month (M/M-1) are calculated from calendar and seasonally adjusted figures while growth rates with respect to the same month of the previous year (M/M-12) are calculated from calendar adjusted figures.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 agosto, 2024
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      The Retail Trade Index is a business cycle indicator which shows the monthly activity of the retail sector in value and volume. It is a short-term indicator for final domestic demand. It should be noted that the volume of sales is different from the volume of (retail) trade services. The latter takes account of changes in the quality of the trade service supplied. As such the volume of sales is conceptually different from the index of production which takes account of quality changes. Data are compiled according to the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, (NACE Rev. 2, Eurostat). Turnover for retail trade are compiled as a "fixed base year Laspeyres type volume-index". The current base year is 2015 (Index 2015 = 100). The index is presented in calendar and seasonally adjusted form. Growth rates with respect to the previous month (M/M-1) are calculated from calendar and seasonally adjusted figures while growth rates with respect to the same month of the previous year (M/M-12) are calculated from calendar adjusted figures.
    • agosto 2016
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 setembro, 2016
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      The focus of this domain is on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean (ENP-South), namely:Algeria (DZ),Egypt (EG),Israel (IL),Jordan (JO),Lebanon (LB),Libya (LY),Morocco (MA),Palestine (PS),Syria (SY) andTunisia (TN). An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain. The data and their denomination in no way constitute the expression of an opinion by the European Commission on the legal status of a country or territory or on the delimitation of its borders.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 13 maio, 2018
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  • S
    • março 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 31 março, 2023
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 31 março, 2023
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • T
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.