
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across EU member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.

Todos os conjuntos de dados: A B C H I L M N O P Q R S T
  • A
    • maio 2020
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 junho, 2020
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      The focus of this domain is on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean (ENP-South), namely: Algeria (DZ),Egypt (EG),Israel (IL),Jordan (JO),Lebanon (LB),Libya (LY),Morocco (MA),Palestine (PS) (1),Syria (SY) andTunisia (TN). An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Generally, only annual data are published in this domain. The data and their denomination in no way constitute the expression of an opinion by the European Commission on the legal status of a country or territory or on the delimitation of its borders. (1) This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
  • B
    • outubro 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this domain is collected by Eurostat in close cooperation with DG MARKT in the context of the annual "EU Postal Survey" (voluntary data collection). The partners in the data collection are the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in the participating countries. The list of indicators/questionnaires and the definitions (Glossary) were agreed in cooperation with the European Postal Regulators in the project group "Assistance and development of EU statistics" of the European Committee for Postal Regulation (CERP). The data presented cover the companies operating under the Universal Service obligation (Universal Service Providers - USP). For countries where a USP no longer exists, the company which was the USP prior to liberalisation is referred to. "Universal service" refers here to the set of general interest demands to which services such as the mail should be subject throughout the Community.  The collection of 'Postal Services' includes data on employment, turnover, access points, traffic, prices and quality of service.
    • outubro 2014
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this domain is collected by Eurostat in close cooperation with DG MARKT in the context of the annual "EU Postal Survey" (voluntary data collection). The partners in the data collection are the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in the participating countries. The list of indicators/questionnaires and the definitions (Glossary) were agreed in cooperation with the European Postal Regulators in the project group "Assistance and development of EU statistics" of the European Committee for Postal Regulation (CERP). The data presented cover the companies operating under the Universal Service obligation (Universal Service Providers - USP). For countries where a USP no longer exists, the company which was the USP prior to liberalisation is referred to. "Universal service" refers here to the set of general interest demands to which services such as the mail should be subject throughout the Community.  The collection of 'Postal Services' includes data on employment, turnover, access points, traffic, prices and quality of service.
  • C
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • H
    • junho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 18 junho, 2024
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      Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The model questionnaire changes every year. The changes of questions in the MQ are required by the evolving situation of information and communication technologies. Large part of the data collected are used in the context of the follow up of the Digital Single Market process (Monitoring the Digital Economy & Society  2016-2021). This conceptual framework follows the 2011 - 2015 benchmarking framework, the i2010 Benchmarking Framework and the eEurope 2005 Action Plan. ICT usage data are also used in the Consumer Conditions Scoreboard (purchases over the Internet) and in the Employment Guidelines (e-skills of individuals). The aim of the European ICT surveys is the timely provision of statistics on individuals and households on the use of Information and Communication Technologies at European level. Data for this collection are supplied directly from the surveys with no separate treatment. Coverage: The characteristics to be provided are drawn from the following list of subjects: access to and use of ICTs by individuals and/or in households,use of the Internet and other electronic networks for different purposes by individuals and/or in households,ICT security and trust,ICT competence and skills,barriers to the use of ICT and the Internet,perceived effects of ICT usage on individuals and/or on households,use of ICT by individuals to exchange information and services with governments and public administrations (e-government),access to and use of technologies enabling connection to the Internet or other networks from anywhere at any time (ubiquitous connectivity).Breakdowns (see details of available breakdowns): Relating to households: by region of residence (NUTS 1, optional: NUTS 2)by geographical location: less developed regions, transition regions, more developed regionsby degree of urbanisation (till 2012: densely/intermediate/sparsely populated areas; from 2012: densely/thinly populated area, intermediate density area) by type of householdby households net monthly income (optional) Relating to individuals: by region of residence (NUTS1, optional: NUTS 2)by geographical location: less developed regions, transition regions, more developed regionsby degree of urbanisation: (till 2012: densely/intermediate/sparsely populated areas; from 2012: densely/thinly populated area, intermediate density area)by genderby country of birth, country of citizenship (as of 2010, optional in 2010)by educational level: ISCED 1997 up to 2013 and ISCED 2011 from 2014 occupation: manual, non-manual; ICT (coded by 2-digit ISCO categories)/non-ICT (optional: all 2-digit ISCO categories)by employment situationby age (in completed years and by groups)legal / de facto marital status (2011-2014, optional) Regional breakdowns (NUTS) are available only for a selection of indicators disseminated in the regional tables in Eurobase (Regional Information society statistics by NUTS regions (isoc_reg): Households with access to the internet at homeHouseholds with broadband accessIndividuals who have never used a computerIndividuals who used the internet, frequency of use and activitiesIndividuals who used the internet for interaction with public authoritiesIndividuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private useIndividuals who accessed the internet away from home or work
  • I
    • janeiro 2018
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 janeiro, 2018
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      These are statistics concerning the civil use of nuclear energy by Member States of the EU. The variables are:enrichment capacity,production capacity of fresh fuel elements,production capacity of MOX fuel fabrication plants, production of fresh fuel elements,production of MOX fuel elements, production of nuclear heat,annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements,production of Uranium and Plutonium in reprocessing plants and capacity (Uranium and Plutonium) of reprocessing plants. Data collection covers in principle Member States of the European Union, Iceland and Norway. However, only 14 EU Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden and UK) operate nuclear reactors. EU-28 aggregate is shown for all variables (except for annual average burnup or those with confidential data).
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
    • março 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 29 março, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes)Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • dezembro 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 dezembro, 2023
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • L
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 08 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 julho, 2023
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • abril 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 22 abril, 2023
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    • agosto 2022
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 agosto, 2022
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    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • setembro 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 13 setembro, 2023
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • M
    • maio 2020
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 02 junho, 2020
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      The focus of this domain is on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean (ENP-South), namely: Algeria (DZ),Egypt (EG),Israel (IL),Jordan (JO),Lebanon (LB),Libya (LY),Morocco (MA),Palestine (PS),Syria (SY) andTunisia (TN). An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain. The data and their denomination in no way constitute the expression of an opinion by the European Commission on the legal status of a country or territory or on the delimitation of its borders.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 05 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • N
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 agosto, 2024
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      The source for regional typology statistics are regional indicators at NUTS level 3 published on the Eurostat website or existing in the Eurostat production database. The structure of this domain is as follows: - Metropolitan regions (met)    For details see - Maritime policy indicators (mare)    For details see - Urban-rural typology (urt)    For details see
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 07 agosto, 2024
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      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 24 agosto, 2024
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      The source for regional typology statistics are regional indicators at NUTS level 3 published on the Eurostat website or existing in the Eurostat production database. The structure of this domain is as follows: - Metropolitan regions (met)    For details see - Maritime policy indicators (mare)    For details see - Urban-rural typology (urt)    For details see
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 08 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • setembro 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 13 setembro, 2023
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • agosto 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 05 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • O
    • março 2015
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 28 novembro, 2015
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • dezembro 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 20 dezembro, 2023
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes)Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • dezembro 2023
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 20 dezembro, 2023
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on:Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport):Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes)Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • P
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • dezembro 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 14 dezembro, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
    • dezembro 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 14 dezembro, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • Q
    • maio 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 08 maio, 2024
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      Eurostat collects road transport statistics by two means: 1. Data on infrastructure, transport equipment, enterprises, economic performance, employment, traffic, aggregated data on transport of passengers and goods as well as data on accidents are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF, in the framework of OECD). The method of the Common Questionnaire data collection is presented in a separate document. 2. Data on carriage of goods by road, using heavy goods vehicles, are based on a continuum of legal acts: 2.1 Data collection on carriage of goods by road until 1998 (included) was based on Directives 78/546/EEC and 89/462/EEC and covered tonnes and tonne-kilometres only. 2.2 Data since the reference period 1999 are derived from micro-data collected in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European parliament and of the council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, a recast of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 which has replaced the previous Directives. The figures are aggregated on the basis of sample surveys carried out by the reporting countries. The data cover tonnes, tonne-kilometres, vehicle-kilometres and numbers of journeys. These metadata pages only refer to road freight statistics based on the European Union's legal acts (point 2 above) and, in particular, to the data for reference years 1999 and after (2.2).
  • R
  • S
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 06 agosto, 2024
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      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.
  • T
    • julho 2024
      Fonte: Eurostat
      Carregamento por: Knoema
      Acesso em 08 agosto, 2024
      Selecionar Conjunto de dados
      The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat. The Common Questionnaire is not supported by a legal act, but is based on a gentlemen's agreement with the participating countries; the completeness varies from country to country. Eurostat’s datasets based on the Common Questionnaire cover annual data for the EU Member States, EFTA states and Candidate countries to the EU. Data for other participating countries are available through the ITF and the UNECE. In total, comparable transport data collected through the Common Questionnaire is available for close to 60 countries worldwide. The Common Questionnaire collects aggregated annual data on: Railway transportRoad transportInland waterways transportOil pipelines transportGas pipelines transport For each mode of transport, the Common Questionnaire cover some or all of the following sub-modules (the number of questions/variables within each sub-module varies between the different modes of transport): Infrastructure (All modes)Transport equipment (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Enterprises, economic performance and employment (All modes)Traffic (RAIL, ROAD and INLAND WATERWAYS)Transport measurement (All modes) Accidents (ROAD only) The Common Questionnaire is completed by the competent national authorities. The responsibility for completing specific modules (e.g. Transport by Rail) or part of modules (e.g. Road Infrastructure) may be delegated to other national authorities in charge of specific fields.