Event Date: February 1-4, 2016

Event Holder: the World Bank


This mission is designed to provide companies with an opportunity to:

  1. Initiate a dialogue with key experts in the transportation sector
  2. Understand project requirements and constraints, and how to access bank-financed projects
  3. Inform staff of the capabilities and interests of international firms in the transportation sector.

This mission is intended for:

  1. Civil works/engineering companies working in the transportation sector
  2. Consulting firms, individual consultants, and training institutions
  3. Equipment manufacturers/suppliers
  4. Prospective sponsors of transportation sector investments in emerging markets.

Download our latest AUTO INDUSTRY data brief

The Automotive Data Brief reviews the most recent data to present an overall picture of the automotive sector. You can find information relating to vehicle production and sales as well as statistics about fuel prices, vehicle stocks, and the electric-vehicle market.

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