Since 2003 until now Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) conciders about 1000 universities all over the world in ordet to build ranking of 500 ones with the highest performance in academic and research fields. Its methodology implies assessing institutions by 6 indicators including alumni (Score on Alumni) and staff (Score on Award) winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, highly cited researchers (Score on HiCi), papers published in Nature and Science (Score on N&S), papers indexed in major citation indices (Score on PUB), and the per capita academic performance of an institution (Score on PCP). In each field the best performing university is assigned 100 and the scores of the others are calculated as the percentage of the top. Performance by each indicator is given weight for the compound score (Total Score) to be obtained: Alumni - 10%, Award - 20%, HiCi - 20%, N&S - 20%, PUB - 20%, PCP - 10%.

Source: Academic Ranking of World Universities, 2003-2016

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