Cereal grains have been the principal component of the human diet for thousands of years and have played a major role in shaping human civilization. Around the world, rice, wheat, and maize, and to a lesser extent, sorghum and millets, are important staples critical to the daily survival of billions of people. More than 40% of world daily diet consists directly of cereals.

Production of cereals in the world in 2016, according to Food and Agriculture Organization, was 2.85 billion tons. This is 2% more than in 2015. In relation to the production level of a decade ago (in 2006) the volume of production increased by 26.3% or 593 million tons.

10 largest cereals-producing countries produce 65.1% of the world total volume in 2016. These countries are China, USA, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, Bangladesh and Canada.

As for wheat, one of the leading grain crops in many countries, its world production in April 2018, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates, stands at 760 million tons. In the future, the next 10 years, world wheat production growth will slow. By 2025, the figures will increase in relation to 2015 by 8%, or 58.5 million tons.

Wheat is produced in more than 100 countries worldwide. The list of 10 largest wheat-producing countries is as follows: China, India, Russia, USA, France, Canada, Ukraine, Pakistan, Germany and Australia.

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