Why is Narendra Modi making more foreign visits?

Developing countries are the ones where economy is in the growing stage. In these countries people are in need of products and services and the demand is increasing day by day. And in the era of globalization, purchasing power of people has increased so any new product or service launched will be in high demand in developing nations.

Moreover in a nation like India where there is a huge population with different cultures the demand s also vary a lot. So any big firm whether its automobile sector or electronic sector will certainly have consumers lined up for there products to get sold.

Hence trade is certainly necessary not only for enhancing development of these countries but also for increasing the living standards of people. Not only that the firms will also get an extremely good market to invest which will also enhance there trade and increase profit levels.

Aid has often come with a price of its own for the developing nations, Aid is often wasted on conditions that the recipient must use overpriced goods and services from donor countries.

“The welfare of a state depends on an active foreign policy”

Source : https://knoema.com/UNCTADFDIF2018/foreign-direct-investment-flow

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