Casos de tuberculose

63,0 (cada 1000.000 habiantes) em 2021

Incidence of tuberculosis is the estimated number of new pulmonary, smear positive, and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis cases.

Data Valor Modificar, %
2021 63,0 0,00%
2020 63,0 -1,56%
2019 64,0 0,00%
2018 64,0 0,00%
2017 64,0 -1,54%
2016 65,0 0,00%
2015 65,0 0,00%
2014 65,0 -1,52%
2013 66,0 0,00%
2012 66,0 0,00%
2011 66,0 0,00%
2010 66,0