Reservas internacionais, inluindo o ouro

495.698.794 (US dólar) em 2023

According to the IMF definition, international reserves consist of the sum of the country’s foreign exchange, its reserve position in the IMF, its monetary gold reserves, and the United States dollar value of SDR holdings by its monetary authorities. (SDR - special drawing rights). US Dollars at current prices and current exchange rates in millions

Data Valor Modificar, %
2023 495.698.794 -20,62%
2022 624.496.475 -33,98%
2021 945.907.747 33,66%
2020 707.703.898 33,49%
2019 530.137.881 5,77%
2018 501.210.760 -8,72%
2017 549.121.051 10,43%
2016 497.242.647 -14,12%
2015 579.013.521 -3,62%
2014 600.784.544 12,82%
2013 532.538.017 11,41%
2012 477.987.068