Outras terras

3.148 (1000 ha) em 2022

Other land is the land not classified as Agricultural land and Forest area. It includes built-up and related land, barren land, other wooded land, etc.

Data Valor Modificar, %
2022 3.148 -19,86%
2021 3.928 0,00%
2020 3.928 -0,05%
2019 3.930 0,16%
2018 3.923 0,06%
2017 3.921 -0,10%
2016 3.925 0,02%
2015 3.924 -0,10%
2014 3.928 -0,10%
2013 3.932 -0,15%
2012 3.938 -0,30%
2011 3.950