Bens importados (Balanço de pagamentos, US$ atuais)

164.738.729 (US dólar) em 2022

Goods imports refer to all movable goods (including nonmonetary gold) involved in a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents. The category includes goods previously included in services: goods received or sent for processing and their subsequent

Data Valor Modificar, %
2022 164.738.729 8,38%
2021 152.002.284 30,22%
2020 116.724.510 -7,65%
2019 126.392.542 -4,87%
2018 132.861.560 4,06%
2017 127.674.663 7,19%
2016 119.114.175 0,14%
2015 118.947.789 -17,76%
2014 144.628.528 12,42%
2013 128.645.917 7,98%
2012 119.140.344 2,99%
2011 115.681.146