Gasto em Viagens de Lazer & Turismo - Crescimento real (%)

3,9 (%) em 2019

The annual percentage change in the 2000 US$ bn series.

Data Valor Modificar, %
2019 3,9 -77,99%
2018 17,9 297,03%
2017 4,5 11,90%
2016 4,0 -162,59%
2015 -6,5 -246,53%
2014 4,4 -30,76%
2013 6,4 99,03%
2012 3,2 -74,73%
2011 12,6 176,54%
2010 4,6 -116,01%
2009 -28,6 58,74%
2008 -18,0