Assinantes de internet fixa

17.376.499 (número) em 2019

The number of total Internet subscriptions with fixed (wired) Internet access, which includes dial-up and total fixed (wired) broadband subscriptions. Only active subscriptions that have used the system within the past 3 months should be included

Data Valor Modificar, %
2019 17.376.499 1,85%
2018 17.060.505 2,86%
2017 16.586.376 6,57%
2016 15.563.279 4,45%
2015 14.900.171 3,60%
2014 14.382.487 2,64%
2013 14.012.976 1,81%
2012 13.763.362 1,81%
2011 13.518.710 3,21%
2010 13.098.028 8,39%
2009 12.084.537 7,17%
2008 11.276.262