Mortalidade em adultos entre 15 e 50 anos, 35q15, ambos sexos combinados

5,00 (%) em 2020

Percentage of total deaths between ages 15 and 50 (per 100 total population), both sexes combined

Data Valor Modificar, %
2020 5,00 -8,13%
2015 5,45 -14,09%
2010 6,34 -15,60%
2005 7,51 -1,86%
2000 7,65 1,22%
1995 7,56 2,34%
1990 7,39 -2,61%
1985 7,59 -6,66%
1980 8,13 -11,44%
1975 9,18 -11,01%
1970 10,31 -12,06%
1965 11,73