Taxa de Juros reais

-17,12 (%) em 2008

Real interest rate is the lending interest rate adjusted for inflation as measured by the GDP deflator.

Data Valor Modificar, %
2008 -17,12 106,47%
2007 -8,29 103,20%
2006 -4,08 55,93%
2005 -2,62 -188,05%
2004 2,97 -158,11%
2003 -5,11 -140,14%
2002 12,74 -27,74%
2001 17,64 1.252,86%
2000 1,30 -84,06%
1999 8,18 -23,34%
1998 10,67 3,84%
1997 10,27