Bens importados (Balanço de pagamentos, US$ atuais)

471.263.649 (US dólar) em 2000

Goods imports refer to all movable goods (including nonmonetary gold) involved in a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents. The category includes goods previously included in services: goods received or sent for processing and their subsequent

Data Valor Modificar, %
2000 471.263.649 -7,56%
1999 509.824.935 0,47%
1998 507.462.751 -2,68%
1997 521.427.819 -5,60%
1996 552.341.300 21,91%
1995 453.075.987 -7,25%
1994 488.469.329 40,13%
1993 348.592.655 -0,54%
1992 350.490.981