Sobreposição entre águas de superíficie e subterrâneas

2 (10 ^ 9 m3/ano) em 2021

Part of the renewable freshwater resources that is common to both surface water and groundwater. It is equal to groundwater drainage into rivers (typically, base flow of rivers) minus seepage from rivers into aquifers

Data Valor Modificar, %
2021 2 0,00%
2020 2 0,00%
2019 2 0,00%
2018 2 0,00%
2017 2 0,00%
2016 2 0,00%
2015 2 0,00%
2014 2 0,00%
2013 2 0,00%
2012 2 0,00%
2011 2 0,00%
2010 2