Bens importados (Balanço de pagamentos, US$ atuais)

610.955.700.000 (US dólar) em 2023

Goods imports refer to all movable goods (including nonmonetary gold) involved in a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents. The category includes goods previously included in services: goods received or sent for processing and their subsequent

Data Valor Modificar, %
2023 610.955.700.000 -9,98%
2022 678.704.100.000 18,29%
2021 573.744.300.000 31,20%
2020 437.304.500.000 -8,29%
2019 476.855.800.000 -7,62%
2018 516.179.700.000 10,60%
2017 466.717.300.000 18,02%
2016 395.464.400.000 -6,47%
2015 422.807.500.000 -19,81%
2014 527.251.500.000 -2,02%
2013 538.134.300.000 -3,05%
2012 555.075.500.000