Taxa líquida de migração

1,29 (cada 1.000 habitantes) em 2020

The number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants over a period, divided by the person-years lived by the population of the receiving country over that period. It is expressed as net number of migrants per 1,000 population.

Data Valor Modificar, %
2020 1,29 4,02%
2019 1,24 3,49%
2018 1,20 2,82%
2017 1,17 2,01%
2016 1,15 1,33%
2015 1,13 0,35%
2014 1,13 -0,44%
2013 1,13 -1,39%
2012 1,15 -2,13%
2011 1,17 -3,14%
2010 1,21 -4,12%
2009 1,26