Créditos domésticos líquidos

4.122.453.000.000,0 (valor, UML) em 2018

Net domestic credit is the sum of net credit to the non-financial public sector, credit to the private sector, and other accounts. Data are in current local currency.

Data Valor Modificar, %
2018 4.122.453.000.000,0 22,45%
2017 3.366.541.000.000,0 2,38%
2016,0 33,75%
2015 2.458.529.000.000,0 -4,58%
2014 2.576.475.000.000,0 13,92%
2013 2.261.673.000.000,0 16,58%
2012 1.939.996.000.000,0 16,12%
2011 1.670.701.000.000,0 38,95%
2010 1.202.384.000.000,0 38,81%
2009 866.202.000.000,0 23,84%
2008 699.466.000.000,0 2,45%
2007 682.739.000.000,0