Taxa de crianças em idade escolar fora da escola secundária

6,2 (%) em 2003

Out-of-school rate for children of lower secondary school age (%). Total is the number of children of official lower secondary school age who are not enrolled in lower secondary school expressed as a percentage of the population of official lower secondary school age.

Data Valor Modificar, %
2003 6,2 -23,09%
2002 8,1 -17,41%
2000 9,8 22,39%
1999 8,0 -18,40%
1995 9,8 -33,54%
1994 14,8 -12,40%
1993 16,9 -11,14%
1992 19,0 48,95%
1991 12,8 -38,54%
1990 20,7 2,97%
1989 20,2 -52,00%
1986 42,0